Softstar Systems

COCOMO and COSYSMO Estimation Tools

 SystemStar & Costar -- Tools for Software Estimation & Systems Engineering Estimation


SystemStar Guided Tour

SystemStar Features

SystemStar Facts

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COCOMO Overview

COCOMO History

COCOMO Cost Drivers

COCOMO II Features

Function Points

Incremental COCOMO


COSYSMO Overview

COSYSMO Features



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Introduction to SystemStar

SystemStar implements two types of models:

SystemStar is a cost estimation tool based on the Constructive Cost Model (COCOMO®) created by Dr. Barry Boehm and the Constructive Systems Engineering Model (COSYSMO) created by Dr. Ricardo Valerdi. Engineers use SystemStar to produce estimates of a project's cost. SystemStar lets you make trade-offs and experiment with "what-if" analyses to arrive at a satisfactory project plan.

We plan to implement the COCOMO III and COSYSMO 3.0 models as soon as they are completed.

To learn about SystemStar before you download it, check out the SystemStar Guided Tour.


COCOMO is the world's most widely used software estimation model.

Software project managers use SystemStar to produce estimates of a project's duration, staffing levels, effort, and cost. SystemStar  lets you make trade-offs and experiment with "what-if" analyses to arrive at the optimal project plan.

COCOMO is described by Barry Boehm in his books Software Engineering Economics and Software Cost Estimation with COCOMO II.

COCOMO has continued to evolve and improve since its introduction. Read a brief history of COCOMO for a summary.

SystemStar supports the traditional COCOMO, and the most recent models:

Click here for an Overview of COCOMO.


SystemStar supports the original COSYSMO model and the latest COSYSMO 2.0 model.

COSYSMO is described in Dr. Valerdi's dissertation The Constructive Systems Engineering Cost Model (COSYSMO), which is installed with the SystemStar demo.

Click here for an Overview of COSYSMO.

Looking for Costar?

Costar was our original COCOMO tool.

Costar has been largely superseded by SystemStar, which has more features, and implements more estimating models.

Quick Facts

Download a Free Demo of SystemStar Here

How to Contact Us:

Voice:(603) 672-0987
Mail:P.O. Box 1360, Amherst, NH 03031

Softstar Systems was founded in 1985 to develop and market the best and most economical software estimation tools.  Our flagship product, SystemStar, also estimates systems engineering effort.

We offer free, unlimited, technical support for SystemStar.